Heavenly Garden Sympathy Bouquet


Offer your heartfelt regards with the Heavenly Garden Sympathy Bouquet. This colorful arrangement features gerbera daisies, roses, lilies and bells of Ireland nestled amongst assorted foliage.

Sympathy bouquets and plants are commonly purchased by family members, friends and associates as a heartfelt expression of condolence to the bereaved. Appropriate for funeral services, memorial services and celebration of life ceremonies, as well as delivery to a home.

*Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary due to the availability of certain flowers, foliage or plants. Care will be taken to maintain the style, shape and color scheme of the arrangement by using flowers, foliage or plants of equal value. Additionally, vases and containers may vary from the image shown on our website, but will be of similar size and maintain the overall look of the arrangement.